Saraswati Dharma Coaching

August Sidereal Moon Wisdom + Transits

*Image by Gustav Klimt, Hygieia

August begins with Mars and Jupiter in Taurus, Moon in Gemini, Sun in Cancer, Venus and Mercury in Leo, Ketu in Virgo, Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, and Rahu in Pisces.

August Transits:

Mercury retrograde in Leo on the 4th

Kalki Jayanti on the 10th

Mars and Jupiter in exact degrees on the 13th

Sun in mulitrikona sign of Leo on the 16th

Mercury combustion in exact degrees on the 18th

Jupiter in Mrigashirsha Nakshatra on the 20th

Mercury retrogrades back into Cancer on the 21st

Venus debilitated in Virgo on the 24th

Kali Jayanti on the 25th

Mars in Gemini on the 26th

Krishna Janmashtami on the 26th

Mercury direct in Cancer on the 28th

New Moon in Cancer and Ashlesha Nakshatra on August 4th at 05:13 AM MT

August is a wild month of change and transformation. Expect the unexpected with multiple planets navigating gandanta Magha nakshatra in Leo, combustions causing excess heat, Mercury retrograde, and Venus going debilitated conjunct Ketu. This month requires patience and steady steps. Stay grounded and close to your body. Do not make sudden, rash decisions unless you have to. Best to slow down and be discerning about your choices. The truth will reveal itself.

The gandanta of Magha nakshatra gets massaged by multiple planets this month. Mercury will be transiting over this gap between fire and water several times. Venus makes the leap at the end of July through the 11th of August. Sun enters the discomfort mid-month. This junction point between Cancer (water) and Leo (fire) is notorious for awakening ancestral karma. Pay attention to the lineage work presenting itself. Mercury, Venus and Sun will provoke insights, wisdom, shocking revelations and powerful transformations with your ancestral contracts. Father karmas are especially sparked with this part of the sky.

As soon as the Sun enters his mulitrikona sign of Leo on the 16th, the heat is on! He runs right into retrograde Mercury who is trying to leave this Sun sign. Retrograde planets intensify, and the heat of the Sun will only make the mind sharper, clearer, and more precise. The shadow side of this is overly critical thoughts, self deprecation, burn-out, exhaustion and anxiety. Keep the mind cool and don’t let the pressure win. You’ll need more time for meditation, swimming and forest dwelling so be sure to hit pause as much as you can.

The month begins with a transformational new Moon on the 4th in Ashlesha nakshatra.

Ashlesha nakshatra is ruled by Sarpa, the mystical serpent. Sarpa is notorious for his black magic and deceptive ways. He is illusion and confusion at his worst. At his best, he brings mystical wisdom and occult awareness. Snake medicine is indicative of Kundalini energy and the spinal column, as well as sexual potency. The lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu are expressions of serpent energy. First of all, they are not real, only shadows on the Moon, your inner wisdom and intelligence. Just as the nodes cause intensification, uncertainty, confusion and extremes, so does the energy of Sarpa. Highs and lows appear, as shadow merges into light and light moves back to darkness. What you see is not always what you get, or what you wanted.

Transcendence and awakening are inevitable at this time. How do you go about inciting this change? Sarpa reminds us that from darkness, comes great wisdom- if we are willing to go beyond the mundane, surface level understanding. The opulence of awakening is yours when you take into consideration the many layers of your own power and shadow.

Full Moon in Aquarius and Dhanishta Nakshatra on August 19th at 12:25 PM MT

The heat increases mid month with Sun and retrograde Mercury navigating gandanta Magha nakshatra. They are in tight combustion and the mind is easily agitated and over heated. If you tend to be high-functioning, be mindful of extra pressure to achieve at this time. Burn out is inevitable unless you prepare for extra rest. Right now, less is more.

As the month closes, Venus enters its debilitation sign of Virgo and conjuncts Ketu. This begins a 3.5 week cycle of delicate health, possible accidents, and very low life force energy. Venus will enter Libra on September 18th. Until then, do not take risks. Relationships, money, vehicles, and health are at risk of sudden changes and challenges. Ketu can cause accidents, injuries and burns. Digestion is particularly delicate so be extra careful with diet. This could be a cycle where parasites, entities, and health challenges occur. Prevention will spare you unnecessary suffering. Females will likely feel the burden of this transit more acutely. Use this time for spiritual practices and move closer to your body wisdom. You will likely hear new inner wisdom with this excess sensitivity. Listen carefully.

Mars moves to Gemini bringing focus to mind, creativity, and imagination. Put effort into your expressive arts, communication, and artistry. It’s time to activate self expression!

The Full Moon comes on the 19th in Dhanishtha Nakshatra.

Dhanishta nakshatra is ruled by the Vasu Devas- who bring the light, or jyoti. They support being seen, noticed and they love being visible. The Vasu Devas are torch carriers- lighting the path, awakening others by whatever means necessary.

This Full Moon in Capricorn is inviting us to restructure our priorities and focus on what really matters. What lights you up? What are you passionate about? Are you willing to take a risk- to be seen more fully?

With this bright and expansive full Moon, you are being invited to shine brighter, increase your inner light, move towards your true passion and ask for more.

Dhanishta brings success to those who are brave enough to stand out and get noticed. Where are you playing small and refusing your bright light? What steps can you take to become more visible and shine even brighter?! The world needs bright shining lights. Awaken the Jyoti within and ask for more in the cycle ahead.

Ready to clarify your dharmic work, ancestral karma and soul purpose?