"The Embodied Jyotish course has profoundly deepened my insights and connection to Jyotisha. Beyond the characteristics of planets, signs, and houses, there’s an intricate web of connections that can only be felt and intuited through the embodiment practices in this course. This opens up a whole new world of insight into the chart and how it manifests in the lives of ourselves and our client’s lives. The insights the clients themselves bring to the session are so empowering and bring about epiphanies they weren’t expecting. This is a very powerful, very healing way of practicing Jyotish. I miss these weekly sessions, as they were the biggest highlight of my week!"
Candace Kirchner
"This course was an absolutely incredible opening to the light. I loved it! Saraswati has filled this nine months with truth & the deep wisdom & compassion she embodies. Plus all the guest teachers!! Being part of the group was super. We all had a lot of fun & grew so much & made lifelong connections with some incredible Jyotishis."
Marita Plozza

It's time to unlock your embodied wisdom.
Create A Clear Dharmic Path and A Prosperous Business ~ With the ancient wisdom of Jyotish and embodiment
Can you envision having a thriving business while still feeling nourished, fulfilled, and connected to your soul’s deepest purpose?
Most Jyotish courses don’t teach how to cultivate a relationship with the body. We can’t move with clarity and confidence in our lives and business if we aren’t first connected with our body’s innate wisdom.
In the Embodied Jyotish Certification Course, you’ll discover powerful tools to enhance your connection with your embodied wisdom- so you can move with clarity and confidence towards the actualization of your unique gifts and wisdom.
You’ll learn how to fully embody your sacred medicine and unique dharmic path so you can share your wisdom in this world with confidence and ease.
Are you ready to finally create a balance between your inner and outer success and actualize the life and business you’ve most longed to create?
Past Clients Say:
- Understand how to accurately assess the body for trauma and disease using Jyotish
- Learn how to speak directly to the body so you can be aligned with its needs and wisdom
Increase your sense of nourishment and contentment in your body and life
- Discover your business niche and marketing angles using the precision of Jyotish
- Discover the roots of disease and malnourishment using Jyotish
- Feel more fulfillment and clarity with your life path and purpose
- Cultivate right relationship with your inner authority and power
- Implement Dharmic Business tools for success and prosperity
What You Will Learn
This is unlike any Jyotish course you’ve experienced. It is more than Jyotish knowledge. The course is an experiential transformation on an embodied level. You will reprogram, reshape, and repair your body in a way that supports true soul nourishment- all while clarifying your reason for being alive right now in this body on this planet. With embodied clarity and trust in your soul gifts, you’ll also learn how to create a prosperous Dharmic business with practical tools and marketing resources. There’s no greater gift in this time of Kali Yuga than embodied self trust and clarity with the purpose of your soul. You are a torch carrier. You take your path seriously. You are here for a reason. This course will make sure you never forget the truth of who you are and what your sacred medicine is.

- More trust in yourself and your path
- Deeper body wisdom and stronger intuitive guidance
- Improved creativity, pleasure and joy.
- Clarify your dharmic gifts and exactly what your soul purpose is.
- Improve the way you share your gifts and wisdom in this world.
- Create a life path of meaning and nourishment.
- Use the ancient tool of Jyotish to strengthen your inner compass.
- Learn what pathways will best support your abundance, wealth, and nourishment.
- Align with your true dharmic gifts.
- Awaken your ancestral wisdom and spiritual support team.
- Understand exactly what your business niche is and how to share your gifts in a meaningful way.
- How to improve health, money and relationships using your Jyotish chart.
- Increase confidence, self trust, and sensitivity.
- Transform your relationship with the ancestors while releasing grief and trauma.
- Clear the throat chakra, increase visibility, voice, and self expression.
- Heal the body and nervous system while increasing the light of the soul.
- Create financial success with dharma business resources and tools.
Last chance to register is September 30th. This course will not be offered again until 2027. Level One is a prerequisite for my Level Two Certificate Course.
Embodied Vedic Astrology
with Swati Miller-
Nine months of classes and rituals
Easily recoup your investment with business tools and resources
Payment plan options available
Who Is This For?

- The healer who wants dharmic precision for her clients and more business prosperity.
- The spiritual soul who wants a clear path and purpose.
- The spiritual business owner who wants a precise dharmic niche for her offerings.
- Students of the Vedas wanting more self trust and soul nourishment.
- The healer who wants more money and more abundance with her offerings and path.
- Anyone who wants to transition away from hands-on healing and deepen their dharmic offerings and wisdom work.
- Healers, therapists and spiritual guides who desire embodied confidence, visibility and empowerment.
What's Included
This nine month Embodied Jyotish Course includes a combination of live sessions, group work, self study, and private dharma mentorship.
- Lifetime access to the course resources on a private platform. All class sessions recorded.
- Weekly LIVE Jyotish classes
- Two private Jyotish Sessions with Saraswati to clarify your dharmic purpose and refine your business offering.
- Study a medical astrology approach to diagnosis and healing.
- Recoup your investment using dharma business resources and tools.
- My 60+ page Jyotish ebook for Healing and Transformation + a North Indian Style Jyotish Chart
- Business tools and resources to gather new clients and market your unique niche.
- Accurately identify spiritual and physical body blockages so you can easily diagnose your clients.
- Increase your confidence and self trust so you can create success and abundance with your offerings.
- Improve your sessions so you can charge more, reach more people, and feel more confident in what you offer.

Ready to join the course? Book a free 15 minute clarity call with me to see if we're a good match.
- Saraswati
“I am so grateful for your support... It has helped me live into myself in a way I was too afraid to experience alone. Thank you."
Jennifer Dyan
"Just how incredibly grateful I am for your ability to see straight into a situation or issue and find the pertinent place to plumb. Your business model — from funneling clients to automatic email responses — you've thought of every way to balance being responsive and honoring your energy needs. I'm inspired."
M. Speckler
"I can not only access and accept my emotions, but am able to sit comfortably with them, even the "hard" ones, and celebrate the power of them. I recognize the beauty and benefit of having and leaning in to my emotions. I have grown in through the power of the changes that I have gone through in this time. The power of witnessing other people going through their process and the sense that I am not alone in my process. What I can learn from witnessing others. The ability to recognize emotions and needs. The ability to articulate them. I feel like I learned a lot from you about ways to access my emotional and spiritual body. I love your mirroring and insights. I feel much more confident to be strong in my emotional life and be present with my emotions."
T. Foolery
"I have come to understand and access the emotional body through the different tools and techniques shared through your supportive and nurturing work. Have the emotional break throughs as a male as this is not an easy or built in norm. But now knowing what this means as a way of navigating and blending into a life of feeling and connecting on all levels. I deeply appreciate your compassion, wisdom and clarity while being on your own tough journey. You cultivate an energy of trust and only deliver from your place of truth. Thank you for being a wonderful human being and choosing the path of a guide and healer."
C. Smith
"Your emphasis for listening to our inner guide and body rather than looking for external guidance and to be in good relationship with your inner authority is quite an important one."
"You have been an invaluable support to me on my journey and I will cherish you in my heart always. Your teachings, wisdom and insights will continue to grow and evolve me."
J. Major
Meet Your Teacher

Hi, I’m Saraswati.
For over a decade, I have helped hundreds of creative, spiritual, healers clarify their dharmic gifts and wisdom and create successful offerings.
I was raised in a Vedic Ashram, so I was educated in Vedic knowledge and wisdom from a very young age, but finding balance within the material world has been a true test of my own dharma. I’ve figured out a process and formula as a result of over a decade of practice, challenges, overcoming obstacles, and honoring my own body sensitivity.
I teach my clients how to live in alignment with their inner wisdom and soul nourishment. My approach to dharma and healing is trauma-informed and body-based.
Individuals who work with me consistently achieve greater self trust and deeply understand why their soul is on this planet. This clarity helps them become more successful, focused and aligned and ultimately, helps them reach their financial goals and actualize their deepest dreams.
My personal dharma is to help you awaken your gifts, shine brighter in this world, and support the transformation of this whole planet.
I hope you’ll join me.
Strengthen your special healing gifts so you can fully embody your soul purpose. In this nine month journey, you will awaken your healing gifts so you can create a successful, nourishing dharmic offering.
Course Outline
- October $20
Awaken your vitality and self expression embodying 1st through 4th houses of your Jyotish chart
- November $20
Transform your power and digestion embodying 5th through 8th houses of your Jyotish chart
- December $20
Enliven your purpose and success embodying 9th through 12th houses of your Jyotish chart
- January $20
Embodied Jyotish Foundations I for Transformation and Healing
- February $20
Embodied Jyotish Foundations II for Transformation and Healing
- March $20
Self Tracking for Embodying the Cosmos Using Transits and Dashas
- April $20
Awakening Your Dharmic Gifts and Soul Contract
- May $20
Re-write Your Ancestral Contract for More Nourishment and Abundance
- June $20
Create A Successful Dharmic Business
Last chance to register is September 30th. This course will not be offered again until 2027. Level One is a prerequisite for my Level Two Certificate Course.
Embodied Vedic Astrology
with Swati Miller-
Nine months of classes and rituals
Easily recoup your investment with business resources and tools
Payment plans available.

“Yat pinde tat brahmande” is a Sanskrit verse from the ancient Vedic texts, the Puranas. It translates as “the universe is within you.” Vedic knowledge is rooted in the understanding that the macrocosm and microcosm are reflections of each other. The entire body is a reflection of the macrocosm. The vast macrocosm is a direct reflection of the inner microcosm.
The Jyotish chart is a map of your entire body. Every part of the body is neatly organized in a straight forward, orderly expression within the houses. Signs, planets, and nakshatras further refine the nature of the body. Your relationship with your own body- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual- determines your results in this life. The body, and the body alone, is the vehicle for your soul to fulfill its dharmic purpose.
My life long studies of Vedic knowledge, Jyotish, Ayurveda and the limbs of yoga set me on a path of embodiment. For me, there is no way to separate Jyotish and the body. My Ayurvedic mentor, Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra, once told me “the highest purpose of Jyotish is for healing.” Ultimately, Jyotish is a tool for expansion of consciousness. This tool can be used to deepen your connection to the light of your own soul and inner awareness, or disconnect you for your own truth and inner wisdom.
I coined the term Embodied Vedic Astrology when I realized that not everyone has the same intentions with Jyotish. My life-long embodiment training through dance and movement, Vedic studies, and body-centered expressive art therapy degree naturally integrated to become a unique perspective. I consider Embodied Jyotish to be the original purpose of Vedic astrology, the most ancient expression of its pure form.
Embodied Jyotish means using Vedic Astrology in a way that deepens your connection to body, intuition, and the light of your own soul. It is a reference point for clarity, insight, body wisdom, and self awareness. The Jyotish chart informs your body awareness and your body awareness informs the Jyotish chart. They work seamlessly together.
Embodied Vedic Astrology is not about prediction. It’s not about telling someone what to do and how to do it. There is no right way or wrong way, purity or impurity. The way modern Jyotish is used today typically disempowers the individual. Consequently, it attracts people who are disempowered and want an authority to tell them what to do. There is a hierarchy with most Jyotish dynamics where power can be dangerously misused. In my experience, Jyotish can strengthen the ego and if not used properly, power abuse can occur.
As a Jyotishi, your purpose is not to “know more than your client” or feel superior. Your role is simply to guide the client back to their own body wisdom and intuitive guidance. This is the purpose of Embodied Jyotish and why I feel it is important to make the distinction.
Simple questions like:
What do you notice in your body?
What does your body need?
How does this feel in your body?
What feels true to you?
Inevitably, the most important feedback I hear from clients is that our sessions help them trust their own intuition and inner knowing.
As a trained body-centered expressive art therapist and somatic healer, my work has always centered around body intelligence and building inner wisdom. Jyotish is a tool that can enhance this process if used properly.
Most Jyotishis today, however, are simply trained to tell clients what is the best timing for getting the material world results they desire. As if they have no free will and choice in the matter. The fact is, your body determines your results. Even if Nature is supporting potent results with love, if your body is not prepared to receive this love, you won’t make much use of this auspicious cycle.
If channels of abundance and wealth are open due to a helpful Venus cycle, you need to be in harmony with life force energy and have structures set up for receiving. Without honoring the wisdom of Venus and water, as well as its natural intelligence in your own body, the abundance will be squandered or even lost. Your relationship with your own body and Nature determines your results.
When you use the Jyotish chart to support healing and transformation, you can enhance your results through listening to the body, asking the body to share messages with you, and harvesting insights that will support lasting change. This requires taking action steps, gathering resources, cultivating new behaviors, and strengthening inner power. However, this direction and guidance must come from your own body.
Jyotish is in fact a tool that can enhance inner listening skills when used properly. When I guide a client through a body check-in and ask them to listen to a body part that needs attention, inevitably when we look at the Jyotish chart, there is a specific insight that shows up in that area of the chart.
For example, if a client comes to session with pain or sensation in their feet, I will ask their feet to share a message and a need. When we look at the Jyotish chart, there will likely be a significant planetary influence happening in the 12th house of feet. If natal Saturn lives in the 12th house and Moon is transiting this house on the day we meet, the grief of Saturn in the feet will be illuminated. This insight becomes the entry point for deeper discovery with all themes of 12th house and feet. This includes the ancestors, safety, stability and support. There is always a correlation between body experience and the Jyotish chart.
Predication is disempowering and unhelpful in the long run. Jyotish should be supporting your inner resiliency, self trust, and intuition when used properly. Embodied Jyotish is for those who are on a path of cultivating right-relationship with their own inner authority and empowerment. They want a tool to support strengthening their intuition and body wisdom, while creating a deeper alignment with the Laws of Nature and cycles and rhythms of Nature.
Jyotish is the study of cosmic cycles and Nature’s intelligence. It is rooted in symbols, metaphors and nuance. It requires a refined recognition that the cosmos influence all aspects of body and life.
For those who are wanting to deepen their relationship with body and Nature, Embodied Vedic Astrology will take your Jyotish practice to the next level. If you are a yogi or healer of any kind, Embodied Jyotish will amplify the way you work with the body, intuition and your own healing modalities. Anyone who desires a deeper relationship with their own body and soul will benefit from an embodied approach to Jyotish.
If you wish to strengthen your dharmic path and soul purpose, there is no other option than to enhance your relationship with embodiment. Your entire dharmic path is cultivated through body wisdom, intuition, empowerment, and your inner intelligence. Without self trust there is no dharma. In that way, Embodied Vedic Astrology becomes nonnegotiable for those seeking true dharma. The body is the way and an embodied approach to dharma cultivates a deep sense of self mastery and inner trust.