*Image by Susan Seddon Boulet
February begins with Jupiter retrograde in Taurus, Mars retrograde in Gemini, Ketu in Virgo, Mercury and Sun in Capricorn, Saturn in his own sign of Aquarius, Moon, exalted Venus and Rahu in Pisces.
February Transits:
Vasant Panchami on the 2nd
Jupiter direct in Taurus on the 4th
Mercury in Aquarius on the 11th
Lalita Jayanti on the 11th
Sun in Aquarius on the 12th
Mars direct in Gemini on the 23rd
Maha Shivaratri on the 25th
Mercury in Pisces debilitated on the 27th
Full Moon in Cancer and Ashlesha Nakshatra on February 12th at 06:53 AM MT
Both Sun and Moon are sandhi at the time of the full Moon. Sun is just leaving Capricorn and Moon is exiting his own sign of Cancer. Any planet in the gap between signs become vulnerable and ungrounded. Sandhi planets are neither here nor there, stuck in the liminal reality, seeking a destination. You may notice this full Moon brings uncertainty and instability as a result.
Venus is exalted in Pisces conjunct Rahu. This unusual transit of Venus through his favorite sign is well under way. Rahu intensifies anything he touches. Venus will be big, expansive, and expressive in watery Pisces. Rahu will increase this expansion even more. The abundance of Venus mixed with the increases of Rahu could bring sizeable growth with love, money, wealth, beauty, the feminine and creativity. The challenges could come through excess, shadow, illusion, doubt, and deception. Expect the unexpected with this transit. Be extra cautious with water, relationships, money, weather events, vehicles and traveling. This is a volatile time for all things Venus.
Typically Venus transits last about three weeks, but his movement through Pisces will be extended and unusual, lasting until end of May. Mercury joins Venus and Rahu in Pisces on February 27th. This is his debilitation sign. Venus will be exalted, while Mercury is debilitated. Both extremes will be intensified by Rahu’s conjunction.
Jupiter goes direct at the beginning of the month supporting forward momentum with your guru, knowledge, wisdom, and dharma. He loves to support your spiritual path and soul purpose. As he navigates Rohini nakshatra, there is immense creative potential activating right now. This full Moon brings a beautiful exchange between Jupiter and Moon. Jupiter sits in Moon’s exaltation sign, while Moon transits Jupiter’s exaltation sign. Big nourishment, abundance, and emotional body intelligence are awake!
This is a particularly transformational cycle ahead as eclipse season and Navaratri approach. It’s time to shed, release, and transform the old into the new.
The full Moon occurs on February 12th at 06:53 am MT while Moon transits his own sign of Cancer. Moon loves the watery, emotional sign of Cancer and he can express his needs, while getting nourishment here. The theme of nourishment is strong in the cycle ahead. Are you able to receive?
The full Moon occurs while Moon is at the edge of Cancer and transiting Ashlesha nakshatra (using Mean node calculations).
Ashlesha nakshatra is ruled by Sarpa, the mystical serpent. Sarpa is notorious for his black magic and deceptive ways. He is illusion and confusion at his worst. At his best, he brings mystical wisdom and occult awareness. Snake medicine is indicative of Kundalini energy and the spinal column, as well as sexual potency. The lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu are expressions of serpent energy. First of all, they are not real, only shadows on the Moon, your inner wisdom and intelligence. Just as the nodes cause intensification, uncertainty, confusion and extremes, so does the energy of Sarpa. Highs and lows appear, as shadow merges into light and light moves back to darkness. What you see is not always what you get, or what you wanted.
This is a delicate window of time that opens up shadowed experiences and illusions. Eclipse season and Navaratri are just around the corner. Profound mystical opportunities are possible as well as new awareness and understandings. Simultaneously it is also a time that increases misunderstandings, confusion and deceptive behavior. Be especially careful of toxic environments, foods, drugs and people. Ashlesha is notorious for excesses of all kinds- most notably toxicity with mind altering substances. This can include any form of deception or separation from your truth and inner knowing.
At the time of the full Moon, Cancer, Ashlesha and the Moon desire more nourishment. Relationships become a major part of this transformation process. What are you learning about yourself as you look in the mirror? Let your heart wisdom guide you and become the guru. Use devotion, Bhakti, to strengthen your path and purpose. Get devoted to your self, your path and your purpose. Make love your dharma and dharma your love. Allow passion to feed you, stir your longing and provoke action steps. Where are you playing small- in matters of love and creativity?
The immense healing that is possible in this two week cycle requires heart centered focus. It is through intimately navigating the chambers of your heart- how you love, who you love and what you love- that clarity, new awareness and release will emerge. Clean up the resistance and that which is clogging your heart chakra. It is especially important to release the critic and the parts of you that shut you off from feeling love, gratitude and acceptance. Lean into compassion and loving-kindness, towards your self and others. Drop the stories of right and wrong. Can you surrender to acceptance, trust and your highest vision? Speak your truth, but be mindful of your snake mouth. Make sure your words are the sweet truth and come from the heart.
New Moon in Aquarius and Satabisha Nakshatra on February 27th at 17:45 MT
Just as the new Moon arrives, Mercury goes debilitated in Pisces, joining exalted Venus and Rahu. Expect challenges, confusion, miscommunications, and low life force energy as Venus exalts with a debilitated Mercury and Rahu offers his shadow in watery Pisces. Endings, losses, release, and deaths are inevitable with relationships, money, mind, and vitality. Exalted Venus may be confused about how to express his big, loving energy. He will keep trying, but you may notice communication challenges or misalignments in your relationships.
These two transits are the beginning of a tidal wave of changes that kick off the big shifts of 2025. An unusual and powerful eclipse cycle also begins in March, culminating in a six planet conjunction in Pisces. The magnitude of the cycle ahead will be felt for years to come. Pisces signals important ancestral work, the feet, isolation, retreats, solace, endings, hospitalization and death. The nature of Pisces and the 12th house is loss. These losses will make space for a new beginning and a very new cycle ahead.
New Moon arrives at the end of the month on February 27th at 17:45 MT. Saturn, Moon and Sun collide for this new Moon in Aquarius. Expect grief in body and emotions, as well as extra sensitivity. Feeling the pressure? It’s time to release, let go, and find a gentler way forward.
The new Moon in Aquarius is a reminder to seek integration and balance with opening and closing. A dual ruled air sign, both Saturn and Rahu provide a sense of duality and contradiction here. Aquarius correlates to the 11th house of gains, however, gains come when we allow for losses. In other words, without letting go and supporting the release process, there isn’t space to acquire or receive the gains arriving. Pluses and minuses must be honored in the cycle ahead. There will be losses and inevitable letting go. Just remember you are making space for the new.
What do you need for deeper nourishment? Are you making space for what you need? What losses do you need to attend to and grieve? What gains do you need to celebrate and honor?
Satabisha nakshatra is a powerful constellation of healing. This new Moon brings an important junction point to our journey of change and transformation. Varuna is the ruling deity of this portion of the sky. He rules Natural Law and sustains it through seeing everything- dishing out consequences for that which goes against the highest Laws of the Universe. Said to have “thousands of eyes”, Varuna sees all actions, choices and behaviors. This gives him great wisdom, and allows him to be a great healer as well. Varuna can eradicate the root cause of disease. Sometimes Varuna is considered the king of kings for this reason as he rules over Natural Law, Universal Law, or Rta. Lakshmi and Soma are Varuna’s children. Both offer the blessings, healing gifts and miracles that are required to transform the disdain and displeasure of Varuna’s watchful gaze.
This new Moon is an excellent beginning and fresh start- especially for healing purposes. Disease that begins under Satabisha is extremely difficult to heal, so being extra diligent with routine, diet and life style choices are nonnegotiable in the cycle ahead. This is an excellent time to start a gentle cleanse, follow Ayurvedic guidelines more closely, get more rest, exercise and meditate regularly. Use self care in the days ahead and hit reset.
If you’ve been falling far away from a healthy routine and choices, now is the time to reel it back in and realign with more structure for building immunity and inner strength. The cure for the critical gaze of this constellation is increasing nourishment, resources, support and vitality. This comes from simplicity, ease and gentleness- not force or punishment. Let this be a reminder for your healing actions and choices as you realign with your inner truth and inner knowing.
The symbol of Satabisha is a drum or a circle, which reminds us of the healing power of this constellation, as well as containment and boundaries. There is inner and outer, self and other, inside and out. The sacred drum keeps time, supports our alignment with the universal rhythm and helps call us home to our own heart beat. Use the coming cycle to recommit to yourself, your own drum beat. Keep life simple, steady and slow. Find your pulse, find your rhythm. Let nature and her wisdom support your realignment.
Where do you need to simplify and reconnect with your own inner knowing? Where are you getting lost, erratic and creating difficulty? What challenges are asking you to look more closely and reevaluate your choices and actions? How is your inner critic keeping you from the nourishment you seek?
Use the coming cycle to come home to yourself and set the intention of healing your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Ask for guidance and seek out new resources where you see holes in your support team. Honoring your inner wisdom and truth is dharma. There is no other path.
Ready to take your self awakening deeper?!
Explore the psycho-emotional & psycho-spiritual elements of Jyotish using embodiment, shadow work, & ancestral guidance.
My three month intro course for Dharmic clarity is starting soon.
MONTH ONE: Awaken your sensitivity points and ancestral gifts.
MONTH TWO: Deep dive into your shadow work and transform self doubt.
MONTH THREE: Clarify your ancestral contract and soul duty.