Saraswati Dharma Coaching

July Sidereal Moon Wisdom + Transits

*Artist Unknown

July begins with Mars in his own sign of Aries with the Moon, Jupiter in Taurus, Venus combust the Sun in Gemini, Mercury in Cancer, Ketu in Virgo, Saturn retrograde in his own sign of Aquarius, and Rahu in Pisces.

July Transits:

Venus in Cancer on the 6th

Mars in Taurus on the 12th

Sun in Cancer on the 16th

Mercury in Leo on the 19th

Guru Purnima on the 21st

Venus in Leo on the 31st

New Moon in Gemini and Punarvasu Nakshatra on July 5th at 16:58 MT

At the time of the new Moon, the heated combustions of the past few months have simmered down. Sun continues to transit Gemini, but Venus is now poised to shift into Cancer. Mercury is enjoying his solo time, away from Sun’s fiery gaze.

Mercury transits Cancer until late July. Mind and nervous system need comfort and nourishment. Speak from your heart and express your needs and feelings. Desires and passion intensify this month.

Mars is at the edge of Aries meaning navigating his own sign is coming to a close. This level of focus and balance from the warrior won’t come again for two years. Finish up important tasks now while your stamina and energy is still awake.

Saturn is now retrograde in Aquarius, shifting your focus to clean up, healing, and re-evaluation. Saturn retrogrades in Aquarius for 4.5 months starting June 29th. Natural time is forcing you to slow down and listen. All things Saturn and Aquarius are asking for attention. Your body and business need you to get innovative, creative, and think outside the box. Start implementing necessary changes.

Venus moves to Cancer on the 6th, awakening a need for pleasure in heart and home. Nourishment of the heart becomes a central theme for this cycle as you navigate what feels supportive and what does not. Some will get complacent and even lazy in the coming weeks, mistaking the comfort zone for alignment with nourishment. Don’t avoid or bypass your deepest needs and longings.

July is a relatively calm month compared to previous cycles. If you’ve been hoping for a gentler process, now is your chance to plug into more integration and alignment. Digest all that has transpired over the past several months. Enjoy a gentle month and focus on your deep breaths for the weeks to come.

The July new Moon occurs in Gemini while Moon is navigating Punarvasu nakshatra. Mercury rules this air sign, awakening all things mental body, mind, nervous system, money, communication and imagination in the cycle ahead.

There is a nice exchange of Moon and Mercury on this day. Moon rules Cancer where Mercury is transiting, while Moon is transiting Mercury’s sign of Gemini. Balance heart and mind. Deepen your trust and inner listening skills. Let your heart lead the way. Sun, Moon and Venus align in Punarvasu nakshatra at the time of Amavasya, new Moon. This constellation is gentle and mild, which will support a deep, quiet pause as the new cycle begins.

This new Moon awakens the desire for universality, new resources and support. Ruling deity, Aditi, is often referred to as the “mother of all goodness”. She birthed 33 Devas. Of these children, 12 were Adityas- powerful allies for resources, material support, wisdom and guidance. She is the expression of expanded awareness, the mother in all things, the foundation of the universe and non-duality. She awakens and supports the awareness of oneness, non-difference, sama or the equinamity of the mind. Aditi gave birth to Vishnu himself, the ultimate sustaining force that upholds dharma. The bounty and blessings of Aditi will awaken and expand possibilities and potential for you. She is limitless, formless, unbounded, non-dual abundance that is the foundation for all nourishment in this life.

Where are you in right relationship with the nourishment in your life? What is feeling supportive, nourishing and bountiful? Where are you disconnected or resisting nourishment, abundance and support? What resources and guidance are missing on your path?

Use the coming cycle to crack open the parts of you in lack and malnourishment. Attend to your grief and emotional body. Honor and acknowledge the needs that are not being met in your life and your relationships. Dig deeper into your struggle and hardship. Does it really have to be so hard? Where are you making it harder than it needs to be? Only when you are truly willing to face your shadow and honor its gifts, will you be able to make space for and allow new possibilities to arrive. Ask for what you need and gather the resources and support that will make it possible.

This new Moon will provoke disconnection to rise to the surface as the desire to be whole, more balanced and unified within self and life increases. This new nourishment must come from your heart wisdom. There is a big transformation taking place within, which is shifting your relationships, emotions and inner stability. You may feel unstable and ungrounded as a result, so make your home and heart a priority.

Grounding and landing within your body is essential, while also transforming and healing past grief and disappointments. Shadows are lurking, hidden fears are becoming provocative, challenges with lack- inner and outer- are escalating. Lean into the darkness so you can clear it and make space for what you truly need and want. Continuing to avoid, resist and negate your deepest fears and insecurities will only further delay your nourishment, purpose and abundance.

Resource from relationships that feel grounding and supportive. Stay close to your heart wisdom. Take time for meditation, movement and yoga practices, get embodied. Spend time in Nature and move closer to spirit. Gather your tools and resources, guidance and support for the upcoming cycle.

Full Moon in Capricorn and UttaraAshada Nakshatra on July 21st at 04:17 am MT

The July full Moon is considered the “fullest of the year” and highly auspicious. This expansive full Moon is called Guru Purnima, creating a powerful feeling of light, awakening, and gratitude.

Mars has shifted into Taurus, joining Jupiter here. Expect Mars to activate the guru in this earth sign. Feel the charge? A new level of focus, action, and determination arrives for the next two months. Spiritual and material balance is requesting your attention. Take action steps to improve your circumstances, activate income, and get creative with new plans.

Mercury arrives in Leo on the 19th, sparking a fiery mental body. Saturn gives direct gaze, requesting simplicity. Think bigger, awaken mental power and purpose. Ask your ancestors to support your path and purpose. Aligning with your true purpose determines your success.

This powerful full Moon arrives on July 21st at 04:17 am MT in earthy Capricorn. Saturn rules this sign of hard work, effort and determination. Expect Saturn’s influence on the cycle ahead.

The constellation of UttarAshada is fixed- which gives stable, lasting results that offer great benefits. Vishvadeva rules this portion of the sky and provides integrity and alignment with ones highest purpose. Adharma (that which goes against dharma) is not tolerated. Integrity is key with this constellation. The all-gods who rule this domain remind us of virtue, goodness, truth, determination, talent, time, enjoyment, firmness, sight, fame and leadership. These are non-negotiable attributes of one’s dharmic path. Where are you aligned with your purpose? Where are you misaligned?

This constellation can be a powerful boon for the dharmic path, but if you are misaligned, you will be asked to clarify and refine your actions and choices. If you aren’t getting the support you would like, it’s time to take a different course of action. You are off path somehow. What do you need to shift in order for more right-action?

The most auspicious full Moon of the year arrives on July 21st. Guru Purnima is considered the fullest full Moon of the year, dedicated to gurus and teachers who bring you wisdom, guidance and support. This year, Guru Purnima occurs while the Moon is in Capricorn and UttaraAshada nakshatra- just a few degrees shy of landing in the sacred portal of Abhijit nakshatra. The Vishva Devas are enlivened, sparking support and assistance from universe and spirit. Give gratitude to your guru and offer a deep bow for your dharmic alignment in this lifetime. This day is a powerful reminder of what truly matters.

Use this waning cycle to make radical improvements with your life path. This is a time of great healing and transformation. Seek balance, integration and strength. Clarify your needs and what is missing on your path. What resources and support do you need for greater ease and alignment? Where are you making life harder than it needs to be? Open your heart by leaning into your darkness and shadow. Notice where you are resisting or sabotaging your success, your needs and your nourishment.

Ready to clarify your dharmic work, ancestral karma and soul purpose?