*Artist unknown
March begins with Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Gemini, Ketu in Virgo, Sun and Saturn combust in Aquarius, Mercury debilitated with Rahu, Moon and exalted Venus in Pisces.
March Transits:
Venus retrograde in Pisces on March 2nd
Sun and Saturn in exact conjunction on March 11th
Saturn sandhi in Aquarius on the 12th
Lunar eclipse on the 13th
Lakshmi Jayanti on the 13th
Mercury and retrograde Venus in exact conjunction on the 11th and 12th
Holi festival March 14th
Sun in Pisces on the 14th
Mercury retrograde in Pisces on the 15th
Vernal Equinox on the 20th
Saturn in Pisces on the 29th
Solar eclipse on the 29th
Navaratri begins on the 29th
Full Moon in Leo and UttaraPhalguni Nakshatra on March 14th at 00:54 MT + Lunar Eclipse
March is a wild ride of big transit shift, an eclipse cycle, and much planetary confusion. This is a good cycle to slow down, be intentional with your actions, and get extra rest. The month ends with a six planet conjunction in Pisces. Get ready for big waves this month!
At the time of the Full Moon, Rahu, Venus and Mercury are in a tight conjunction within Pisces- just before Mercury goes retrograde. Retrograde Venus, conjunct debilitated Mercury conjoin with Rahu. Expect confusion with mind, love, money, and comfort. Relationships are fragile right now. Think before you speak. Both Venus and Mercury receive shadow from Rahu- creating doubts, betrayals, upheaval, and an inward pull. Are you resting or avoiding? Are you conscious of your boundaries or bypassing needs? This cycle is ripe with numbing and avoiding. Show up for your body and don’t numb out.
Best practice for mind and body this month is meditation, deep breathing, eating extra cooked greens, spending time in nature and honoring the nervous system. Mercury needs extra presence whereas Venus is asking you to stop overindulging in excess. What needs to be simplified? Where are you neglecting your body wisdom? Are you letting fear run the show?
Sun is sandhi at the edge of Aquarius, tightly conjunct Saturn just as the full Moon arrives. Sun will leap into Pisces on the day of the full Moon, joining the Pisces pressure. The first part of March comes with immense Sun and Saturn contraction. Their tight dance causes incredible challenges for the Sun. The Sun is being refined by Saturn’s simplicity, age, and work mentality. March begins with extra challenges due to this combination with king and worker. Let your light be polished and find the simplest path forward.
Take your power back. This full Moon is a perfect moment to re-evaluate your relationship with power, purpose, your lineage wisdom, and your relationships.
The fullest portion of the Full Moon occurs in Leo and Uttaraphalguni just as March 14th arrives. Depending on your time zone, this may occur on the 13th or 14th. Moon is sandhi, at 29.44′ Leo, poised to collide with Ketu in Virgo. Sudden change is active and alive. Sandhi planets are navigating the liminal realms, not grounded, and extremely sensitive. This Moon needs embodiment, presence, and ancestral guidance. Spiritual insights are strong, so listen carefully. There is an ability to receive ancestral insights and wisdom during this full Moon.
This Full Moon coincides with the Vedic fertility festival of Holi, enlivening vitality, life force energy and creativity.
Uttaraphalguni is a constellation that correlates to the ancestors. It gives powerful, creative life force energy and resources that support and sustain lineage. Aryaman rules this portion of the sky, offering resources like love, marriage, family, children, and that which perpetuates the ancestral line. Life force energy is enlivened here, which brings to life ones desires and helps them arrive into manifest form. What seeds are you planting right now?
Digest, release and integrate grief from the past cycle. This is a cycle of healing and preparation. Don’t move too fast. Slow down and be methodical with your steps- as tempting as it may be to rush. Move towards new nourishment and make room for the new by clearing and releasing the unconscious terrain that keeps you stuck and striving but never arriving. What stories of lack are in your way of abundance and deeper love?
The Vedic celebration of Holi, often roughly coincides with the vernal equinox and the arrival of spring (for the Northern Hemisphere and fall for the Southern Hemisphere). The Equinox arrives on March 20th this year. Light is increasing and days are lengthening for the northern hemisphere.
Holi is a Vedic fertility celebration which sparks immense creative life force energy. Potential, possibility and creative power are enlivening. Step into your Divine Feminine power! Ask your ancestors to guide you with the process of creating and manifesting your desires.
No matter the hemisphere you are in, both spring and fall are considered “sandhi” times of year- or in between seasons. These are sacred times, when the veil is thin and sensitivity is heightened. From an Ayurvedic perspective, we attend to necessary physical rituals that help the body cleanse and purify. Holi comes at this sacred junction and is a time to “plant seeds” so to speak. It is a celebration of fertility, abundance and the awakening of Shakti within Nature. The full enlivening of the Divine Feminine, is celebrated during Vasant Navaratri- the nine days of Mother Divine- which begins on March 29th this year. Consider Holi the “kick off” celebration. Use this time to plant your seeds of desire. Honor the sense of spring and possibility, hope and awakening.
Deep transformation and turmoil are taking place with this full Moon and in the cycle to come. This waning cycle offers more focus and precision. A new clarity is emerging, but you must create it. Pull up the weeds crowding your vision and uproot the parts of yourself that are holding you back from greater empowerment. You may have confusion about your power and purpose, but use this time to create a clear path and remove the rubble. Let go of the parts of yourself that hinder you from stepping into your power more fully.
Dream big! Allow yourself to expand what you think is possible for yourself. Where are you limiting yourself? What stories have you been telling yourself that keep you stuck and playing small? What is holding you back from full manifestation of your goals, dreams and desires? Are you feeding your ancestors and asking for their guidance?
The mental body stories stuck on repeat in your unconscious mind, must be brought to the light, released and transformed- in order for you to step into a more powerful future. Cut, clear and delete the stories that are keeping you from powerful action steps.
Gains come when you radically release the addiction to scarcity consciousness and lack. You deserve more nourishment. Clear away the parts of yourself that don’t yet feel deserving or capable of greater power. How long has this painful story been on repeat? How long will you keep playing it?
This is a cycle of waking up and creating new awareness. There is a dawning taking place, new light emerging, however, this light comes with facing darkness and struggle. Relationships, communication, creativity and self expression may feel blocked, uncertain or painful. Gains will come with effort, focus and restructuring. Your inner light may feel dim, so find ways to remember your power and purpose, even when frustrated or challenged by circumstances.
Eclipses intensify your shadow and tend to make mountains out of mole hills. We may get lost in the overwhelm and negativity during this two week cycle, so keep moving toward the light. Stay positive and look for solutions rather than focusing on the darkness, but do not bypass the necessary inner work that you are being asked to show up for. This is a powerful time to address inner shadows head on and release inner blockages that you’ve been overlooking.
This eclipse portal begins with a penumbral lunar eclipse on March 13th at 09:57pm MT. The eclipse will end at 04:00 am MT on the 14th. The maximum eclipse occurs at 12:58 am MT on the 14th. The eclipse shadow will cover the entire North and South Americas.
A reminder that this two week cycle is not a time to start new projects. Finish up projects and take necessary action steps prior to the full Moon in order to prepare for the weeks ahead.
Emotions tend to intensify during eclipses and shadows are much stronger. Lunar eclipses bring emotional body work to the surface as well as undigested grief. You may feel less clear and focused so don’t make sudden decisions. Challenges often intensify so we can see them more clearly and make the necessary changes that will support new growth. This can be a time of immense inner transformation if used properly.
From a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse or to look directly at the eclipse taking place. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don’t absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. It is also widely recognized that during and between eclipses, starting new endeavors will not bring positive results. No new projects, relationships or activities should start in the eclipse portal. Notice what needs are arriving, then take action after the eclipse portal closes. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously during this cycle.
Use the two week Eclipse cycle for spiritual practices, rest, retreat and your dharmic path. Set intentions for the coming weeks and honor your self care. Honor your emotional body wisdom and confront your inner shadows. Make necessary changes in your actions and choices. Release negative thought patterns, behaviors and inner dialogue that is keeping you stuck in patterns and cycles of lack. Clear, release and let go so that you have even more space for your deepest nourishment.
New Moon in Pisces and Uttarabhadra Nakshatra on March 29th at 04:59 AM MT + Solar Eclipse
Five planets collide in Pisces at the time of the New Moon with Saturn moments away from joining this stellium. Saturn is sandhi ready to leap into Pisces! Mars is sandhi in Gemini, creating extra sensitivity. This is a very vulnerable moment for the spiritual and material realms. Be extra cautious leading up to this new Moon and in the days following. This is not a time to take risks. Avoid travel, big decisions and don’t start anything new until the cosmic weather smooths out.
Rahu, retrograde Venus, retrograde Mercury, Sun and Moon transit Pisces at the new Moon, while Saturn joins them hours after the New Moon. Pisces is center stage and continues to get your attention for the next two years as Saturn slowly transits this water sign. Look for my Saturn in Pisces article coming soon.
Pisces is the sign of the 12th house of endings, loss, release, closure and finale. It is very spiritual, watery, and emotional. The ancestral realms and spiritual body are awakened in this sign as are the feet. This new Moon cycle brings confusion, uncertainty, closure, and endings. The eclipse portal closes with a bang. Look for resolution and clarity arriving in the coming weeks as the astral weather clears.
Pisces seeks balance, however, it is through movement and release. Stagnation causes certain death. The wisdom of the 12th house is expressed through the ancestors, reclusive tendencies and all matters of the spiritual realms. It is a junction point between endings and beginnings, openings and closings, spirit and material worlds. There is nothing mundane about this portion of the sky. Jupiter, the guru, rules Pisces and reminds us of the knowledge possible through this sign. As a water sign, it requests movement, fluidity, purification and attention to the emotional body.
The March new Moon in Pisces and Uttarabhadrapada takes you into a deep dive. You must go below the surface and into the depths of your inner realms. Ruling deity of this constellation is Ahirbudhnya who rules unseen, hidden parts of your awareness. With the help of Ahirbudhnya, the unconscious parts of ourselves will rise to the surface, becoming conscious. The serpent of the depths seeks spiritual awakening, transformation and healing, and does so by asking you to look at your shadow.
As a Naga, Ahirbudhnya has spiritual serpent energy that moves darkness to the light, stirring and awakening the unseen, making it dissolve into conscious awareness. In many ways this is a reflection of the endless cycle of transcendence and transformation. Darkness to light, pulling from your depths, and awakening insights and awareness; the new awareness is provoking change and beginnings.
The intention of this constellation is to go into your own depths again and again. Coming up for air doesn’t last long. It is the desire for expansion and growth that drives the movement and the return to the depths of your inner ocean. Ahirbudhnya supports this journey.
This waxing cycle comes with a request to journey into your inner terrain and pull up pearls of wisdom. This requires your willingness to look deep within and uncover the hidden, dark parts of yourself. An invitation to intensify your healing process and gather new guidance is arriving. There may be confusion and shadow keeping you from seeing clearly, but strive for clarity and insight anyway. Balance, integration and harmony are bursting forth, but not without required release and endings.
Are you consciously allowing the letting go to take place? What veils of illusion are clouding your vision? What needs to be stripped away in order for you to see more clearly? What are you closing to? What are you opening to?
With this potent new Moon, the eclipse portal closes with a solar eclipse. It begins at 02:50am MT on the 29th. The eclipse ends at 06:43 am MT on the 29th with the maximum eclipse occurring at 04:47 am MT. This solar eclipse will be visible from the eastern part of the united states and most of Northern Europe.
This new Moon brings the close of an intense two week eclipse portal and intensified shadow work. Solar eclipses tend to intensify our relationship with power, the masculine, authorities, and purpose. Confront undigested emotions, fear, resistance and inner conflict directly. Likely your personal mythology will be intensifying at this time so you can clean up any shadows that are keeping you in the dark. Pay attention to what is emerging from your depths.
Eclipses intensify everything and tend to make mountains out of mole hills- so we can see what we have been avoiding or negating within the unconscious realms. Stay positive and look for solutions rather than focusing on the darkness, but do not bypass the necessary inner work that you are being asked to show up for right now. This is a powerful time to address inner shadows head on and release inner blockages that you’ve been overlooking.
Your willingness to honor your big emotions will support their release. Stay present and willing to be with your challenging parts. There is something trying to push through and come to the surface. Are you listening? What needs to change? Your emotional body waves are asking for more nourishment. Be willing to support the release so that you have space for more of what you truly want and need.
Although this eclipse is not visible from the Northern Hemisphere, from a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse- or to look directly at the eclipse taking place. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don’t absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. It is also widely recognized that during and between eclipses, starting new endeavors will not bring positive results. No new projects, relationships or activities should start in the eclipse portal. Notice what needs are arriving, then take action after the eclipse portal closes. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously during this cycle.
This is a powerful time to honor your emotional body wisdom and confront your inner shadows. Make necessary changes in your actions and choices. Release negative thought patterns, behaviors and inner dialogue that is keeping you stuck in patterns and cycles of lack. Clear, release and let go so that you have even more space for your deepest nourishment.
As we move beyond the equinox, the Vedic celebration of Maha Navaratri arrives with this new Moon. This is a powerful turning point in the Vedic Calendar when the Divine Feminine transforms and awakens. It is through her powerful dance that the seasonal shifts take place. We are embarking on the magical shift between seen and unseen, straddling the material and spiritual realms. This is a gap, a portal, that invites in depth, wisdom and powerful inner wisdom. Don’t go back to sleep.
The Navaratri celebration is an expression of what is taking place within Nature, through the Laws that govern Nature, marking an important transition within us and around us. Align with Nature and Her powerful energy of change and transformation during Navaratri. Ritualize your connections with Nature- in order to land more closely to your own inner wisdom, to Her wisdom. Strengthen your connection to self and Spirit.
Navaratri is a poignant time in the Vedic Calendar. This ancient calendar is one that is dedicated to Nature and her cycles and rhythms, the planets, and most importantly the Moon. In the Vedic Calendar, time is connected to what Nature and the cosmos are doing, and these elements are intimately related. Navaratri occurs twice a year- in the “gap” seasons of spring and fall. These times are considered sandhi times; delicate times that feel like you are neither here, nor there. We might call it the netherworld. This time, though delicate, is considered sacred so use this time wisely.
Is it your turn for soul success?
In my three month Dharma Foundations process you will create soul clarity and business prosperity.
SESSION ONE: Clarify your soul contract and ancestral duty in this lifetime so you can stop doubting your self and your gifts.
SESSION TWO: Understand your special soul gifts, body sensitivity, and shadow work so you can overcome challenges and blocks to your success.
SESSION THREE: Create and refine your business structure so you can increase prosperity sharing your gifts and wisdom.
- Three months of personal dharmic support.
- Dharma specific business tools included for ongoing implementation.
- Shadow work resources and embodied Jyotish tools for inner awakening and self study.
- Templates, done for you tools, and bonus business resources for continued success.
I currently have three spots available in this personalized process.
Now booking for April.
Spaces fill quickly and are offered on a first come basis.