Saraswati Dharma Coaching

October Sidereal Moon Wisdom + Transits

October begins with Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Gemini, Moon, Ketu, Sun and exalted Mercury in Virgo, Venus in its own sign of Libra, Saturn retrograde in his own sign of Aquarius, and Rahu in Pisces.

October Transits:

Solar eclipse on October 2nd

Pitra Pakshu ends on October 2nd

Maha Navaratri begins on October 3rd

Mercury in Libra on the 9th

Jupiter retrograde in Taurus on the 9th

Maha Navaratri ends on the 11th

Vijaya Dashami on the 12th

Venus in Scorpio on the 12th

Buddha Jayanti on the 12th

Sun debilitated in Libra on the 16th

Valmiki Jayanti on the 16th

Mars debilitated in Cancer on the 20th

Mercury in Scorpio on the 29th

Dhanvantari on the October 29th

Diwali begins on the 31st

Diwali ends on November 1st

New Moon in Virgo and Hasta Nakshatra + Solar Eclipse on October 2nd at 12:49 PM MT

As October begins, planet stacking in Virgo arrives with a new Moon and Solar Eclipse. Virgo gets attention and focus as exalted Mercury, Moon, Sun and Ketu collide in this earthy sign of organization and healing. Just as the two week celebration of the ancestors ends, Maha Navaratri begins. For those of us who honor the powerful Vedic Calendar (a calendar rooted in Natural Law) this is an incredibly sacred time. October 2nd is the most important day of Pitru Paksha because the ancestors are wide awake and ready to connect with you. Remember that feeding your ancestors does not end when Pitru Paksha ends. This is an essential part of your dharmic path and spiritual practice.

The Hasta new Moon arrives with a solar eclipse. Eclipse cycles are notorious for forcing spiritual change and transformation through necessary shadow work. Shadows intensify on and around the eclipses to help you see your illusions more clearly. This is why we study the Rahu/Ketu axis in the Jyotish chart. Your shadow is what compels your soul to awaken and heal in this lifetime. Rahu is the illusion you can’t see in yourself. Ketu is the light forcing you to crack open, or the crack that brings the light.

On October 2nd, the new Moon and solar eclipse shift the light within. The solar eclipse begins at 09:42 am MT, ending at 15:47 MT. The maximum eclipse will occur at 12:45 pm MT. The eclipse is visible in North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Antarctica.

This eclipse closes a two week cycle which was not good for starting new projects. Emotions tend to intensify during eclipses and shadows are much stronger. You may feel less clear and focused- so don’t make sudden decisions. Challenges often intensify so we can see them more clearly and make the necessary changes that will support new growth. This can be a time of immense inner transformation if used properly. Solar eclipses activate shadow work with father, power, and the masculine.

From a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse or to look directly at the eclipse taking place. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don’t absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. It is also widely recognized that during and between eclipses, starting new endeavors will not bring positive results. No new projects, relationships or activities should start in the eclipse portal- unless they are supportive for your spiritual progress. Notice what needs are arriving, then take action after the eclipse portal closes. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously during this cycle.

Monday’s new Moon arrives at 12:49 PM MT while in sidereal Virgo and Hasta Nakshatra. Virgo represents the sixth house of the zodiac, which has to do with conflict, healing and debts. It can also bring support, alliances and companionship through animals, as well as overcoming enemies. Virgo is precise, meticulous and often very critical. It is the house of healers and healing, as well as the lower gut. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo tends to stay in the mental body and needs reminders to sense and feel in a more embodied way.

This new Moon will require us to focus on healing and awakening as Hasta nakshatra brings the dawning, the light. In the days ahead, stay out of the mind and get into the body. Speak, communicate and express. Find your words and let them awaken you and others. Hasta nakshatra is ruled by the deity Savitr, the god of dawn. The sliver of light that arrives on the eastern horizon just before sunrise is his domain. He offers hope and vision through his illumination. This portion of the dawn is particularly potent, magical and powerful. It navigates the liminal realms, the netherworlds- neither worldly nor entirely spiritual, but both.

Savitr brings the light to us in this coming cycle so get ready to wake up! His bright light brings consciousness, evolution and enlightenment. This will require a willingness to see, notice and look- even if you don’t want to. When the darkness is touched by the light, we can’t help but see it. Savitr brings light and awakening whether you want it or not.

Hands come alive under Hasta nakshatra. Let them be a guide, a resource, and a support for your healing process. There is some magic in the hands asking you to look more closely. What are your hands saying to you? What do they need?

Use Gayatri Mantra to enliven the light and wisdom of Savitr in the coming days.

Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tát savitúr váreṇ(i)yaṃ
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt

The Vedic celebration of Maha Navaratri arrives just after the new Moon. On October 3rd, the powerful battle of Ma Durga and the rakshasa (demon) Mahishasura begins, ending with victory day, Vijaya Dashami, on October 12th. Durga defeats the demon, a reminder to us all that Durga always wins, darkness is always overcome, and dharma always prevails. This is a powerful turning point in the Vedic Calendar when the Divine Feminine awakens, enlivens, transforms and heals.

It is through the powerful dance of the Divine Feminine that the seasonal shifts take place. We are embarking on the magical transformation between seen and unseen, straddling the material and spiritual realms. This is a gap, a portal, that invites in depth, awakening, awareness and powerful inner wisdom. Stay alert and awake to inner and outer changes taking place. Notice conflicts within yourself and your environment. Seek resolution and healing.

The Navaratri celebration is an expression of what is taking place within Nature, through the Laws that govern Nature, marking an important transition within us and around us. Align with Nature and Her powerful energy of change and transformation during Navaratri. Ritualize your connections with Nature- in order to land more closely to your own inner wisdom, to Her wisdom. Strengthen your connection to self and Spirit.

Navaratri is a poignant time in the Vedic Calendar. This ancient calendar is one that is dedicated to Nature and her cycles and rhythms, the planets, and most importantly the Moon. In the Vedic Calendar, time is connected to what Nature and the cosmos are doing, and these elements are intimately related.

Although Navaratri occurs multiple times each year in the “gap” seasons of spring and fall, as well as other important junction points, Maha Navaratri is considered the most significant. These times are considered sandhi times; delicate times that feel like you are neither here, nor there. We might call it the netherworld. This time, though vulernable, is considered sacred- so use it wisely.

Read More About Navaratri and the power of this sacred time of year.

Jupiter goes retrograde in Taurus on the 9th of October. Retrograde planets intensify their effects. Jupiter does not allow impurities, and loathes shadow and darkness because his nature is sattva, purity. His intention is to purify what is impure and to awaken pure knowledge. He prefers the spiritual realms and offers pure knowledge, support and guidance when well placed in the natal chart. When you go against him, he can be overpowering in his attempts to bring you back to spiritual harmony and balance.

As the planet of expansion, satwa (purity) and akasha (space), Jupiter brings knowledge and wisdom as well as expanded awareness. The Sanskrit name for Jupiter is guru (teacher), expressing the support and nourishment he provides. When Jupiter moves around the zodiac, he sparks learning and growth through wisdom, guidance, support and resources. Whatever he touches, he expands- which may feel helpful or uncomfortable at times.

Depending on your natal relationship with Jupiter, this year-long transit of Jupiter in Taurus offers growth and expansion on the material level of existence. Taurus is an earth sign that correlates to the second house of speech, food, money, voice, throat, and the organs therein. Expansion in these areas of life can be helpful or challenging depending on your relationship with the guru.

Jupiter retrogrades in Taurus from October 9th, 2024 until February 4th, 2025. He will return to Rohini nakshatra in this time period. Relationships, creativity, and emotions will demand your attention. This can be an important time of manifestation if you use it very consciously. Your relationship with Jupiter, Moon and Venus will determine the results of this cycle.

Full Moon in Aries and Ashwini Nakshatra on October 17th at 05:26 am MT

Sun has just shifted into its debilitation sign of Libra as the full Moon arrives. Mars is poised to move into debilitation in Cancer on the 20th. This is a low point in the year for body and action. Power is at an all time low, the physical body is vulnerable, and those in leadership need to be extra cautious. When Sun dips into debilitation, relationship with self and others is weak, power has been turned off in Nature, and extra rest is required. This is not a cycle to push or force your body to perform.

All debilitated planets turn their energy inwards. The Sun’s light and energy will turn inward in the coming weeks, asking you to look within. The light within will strengthen which means that we may see ourselves and our shadows more clearly. This may feel helpful or painful for some. Honor this inward shift with extra self care.

Debilitated Sun can bring challenges with self doubt, self trust, father, the masculine, power and ego. This is an important time to do your inner work.

Honor this inward shift with extra self care. Visibility will be less so commit to working behind the scenes and use the silent nature of this time for spiritual development. This is a powerful time for introspection, retreat and more silence, marking a still point for the year.

When the Sun’s light dims, it can be challenging for the physical body, however, it can often be helpful for the spiritual body. Take extra care of the body, get more rest, eat in harmony with the seasons and use an Ayurvedic diet. Abhyanga (warm oil massage) is a great grounding resource. Spend time in nature and stay close to the body. It may feel easier to lose connection with the body in the coming days and disconnect. Use somatic resources and pranayama to stay connected to the physical body.

As October closes, Mars moves to its debilitation sign, Cancer. This begins an unusual and lengthy transit for Mars through his most vulnerable portion of the sky. Typical transits of Mars last about two months. This year, Mars will dance through Cancer, retrograde back into Gemini, then re-enter Cancer once direct. This total process will last over seven months. This transit will be especially challenging for the signs Scorpio and Aries- which are ruled by Mars. Anyone navigating a Mars maha dasha or antar dasha will need to be cautious as well as anyone with Mars in vulnerable placements of their chart either natally or via transit.

Mars is the warrior planet and he impacts action on all levels of life. As the karma yogi, his discipline, focus and goal oriented agenda supports powerful action steps towards dharma. When he is imbalanced, war, violence, anger, and aggression occur. Mars rules over surgery, cutting, and fire. During his debilitation caution with all things Mars is warranted. His retrograde motion will intensify the effects of the transit, while creating a Neecha Bangha effect. In my experience this does not cancel the debilitation, however, it may soften the effects. Retrograde planets turn inward and are unable to express themselves. This will be an important time of rest, self care, and emotional work. Mother, land, home and property are vulnerable. It will be important to know where Cancer is placed in your chart to understand how Mars will impact your body and your life over the next seven months.

The October full Moon arrives on October 17th while Moon transits Aries and Ashwini nakshatra. Beginnings and rejuvenation arrive. This is a powerful cycle for healing and transformation. Release, make space, and open to the new. Moon feels energized and enlivened at the time of the full Moon. Direct this energy towards self care, healing resources and creativity. 

As Moon awakens Ashwini nakshatra during this full Moon, the constellation of healing supports greater inner wisdom to arrive. Clear space for this wisdom by releasing and letting go of stagnation, undigested emotions and mental clutter. This is an ideal cycle to attend to the physical body and wellness practices. Start your fall or spring cleanse at the time of the full Moon and jump start your healing process in the weeks ahead.

The Ashwini Kumara twins rule the first constellation of the zodiac, Ashwini. This dynamic duo are brothers- both Ayurvedic doctors who can support powerful healing within the body. They awaken creativity, spark new life and enliven rejuvenation so new life can arrive. They rule over all the healing arts- resources that support increased life force energy. The more life force within, the more vitality and strength experienced within the physiology. Allow the support of the Ashwini Kumaras to help you restore balance, integration and wellness in the cycle ahead.

The symbol of Ashwini is a horse head. Horses represent power, strength, endurance and vitality. Working with horses and riding horses requires clarity, focus and a strong will, as well as willingness to be touched by  horse medicine. Ashwini expresses the ability to strengthen ourselves and heal like the mighty horse. Horses are known to create an anti-venom which literally and metaphorically expresses the ability to ward off evil, poison and snakes. The coming cycle can support greater strength and vitality- in body, mind, emotions and spirit. Spend time with horses and watch them carefully for healing insights.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, while Ashwini is the first constellation of all twenty seven nakshatras. The arrival of this full Moon brings beginnings with it. As with all openings, there is also closing, release and letting go. Are you attending to losses and release? Are you allowing for the letting go? What grief needs to be purged and has yet to be honored? Where are you skipping over your closing ritual?

I’m now booking session for November.

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October and November Horoscope for Each Rising Sign:

ARIES: Relationships are vulnerable as are home, heart, and mother. Finances strengthen with your effort and focus.

TAURUS: Strengthen your self awareness and inner work. Your gut and creativity need extra support right now. Refine and improve your business structure.

GEMINI: Food, finances, mouth and solar plexus are weak and vulnerable. Be careful what you ingest. Your spiritual path is requesting attention, focus and discipline. Ask your ancestors for guidance.

CANCER: Head, body, and heart are weak and vulnerable. Focus on spiritual and material gains through grief work and shadow work.

LEO: Relationships continue to take extra effort and support. Courage and creativity are at a low point. Retreat and rest are essential, but balance this with your business growth.

VIRGO: You are getting cracked open right now. Finances and nourishment are slow and vulnerable. Go back to the basics. Re-align with your dharma and financial structures.

LIBRA: Head, body and business are weak and vulnerable. This is a good time to slow down, pause, and listen to your gut. You are going through a big transformation. Don’t rush.

SCORPIO: Relationships require extra learning and growth. Turn inward and slow down so you get the dharmic and ancestral support that is here for you. Tend to your grief.

SAGITTARIUS: Gut health needs your attention as does your fear. Dive deep into the emotional body and unconscious terrain. Gains are slow and creativity takes effort. Keep going.

CAPRICORN: Relationships and business are extra vulnerable right now. Re-focus on your power, dharma, and business structure.

AQUARIUS: Inner clean up continues. Keep a strong routine and sadhana. Gut health is weak and vulnerable so be mindful of your diet. Don’t stray from your path. Let your heart lead the way.

PISCES: Your shadow work and inner resistance requires extra vigilance. Gut health and power are at the lowest point of the year. Turn vulnerability into your strength. This requires courage and creativity.

I’m now booking private sessions for November.

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