Are you ready for a life changing year ahead?
2025 will be a year that is remembered as “my whole life completely changed.”
The transits ahead will bring powerful loss, release, and letting go in multiple areas of life.
When there are losses and endings, you are simultaneously preparing for new beginnings and fresh starts.
Losses make space for the new.
Everyone will feel these changes with all major planets changing signs in the first half of the new year.
The next six months require your diligence and presence.
Understanding the nature of these planetary shifts and how they will impact your body and life is important for prevention and a gentler cycle ahead.
If you want to learn how to sync your body with the transits, join my Embodied Jyotish Experience classes. Book a chat with me for registration details.
My transit wisdom is never meant for prediction, causing fear, or planting seeds of harm. These reminders for body and life should be used to prepare, prevent unnecessary struggle, and help you align with the natural cycles and rhythms of nature.
Your natal chart blesses you with the key ingredients of awareness and consciousness so you can align with Natural Law more harmoniously.
All major planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu) change signs March to May. This causes big life changes for everyone. The slowest moving planets cause the most upheaval, change, transformation, and big shifts. Their impact on life and body is more significant.
Saturn in Pisces: March 30th, 2025
- Saturn in Pisces brings your focus to losses, endings, release, death, and spiritual work. He requires grief, effort, consistency, labor, and physical body work for results.
- Pisces is the realm of ancestral work and the ancestral body. Do your ancestral work and show up for your lineage. Release and letting go are inevitable.
- Pay special attention to your feet. They will require more support and may be talking to you more than usual.
- You will need to ground, rest, and strengthen your spiritual work in the coming 2.5 years. Saturn wants consistent effort so keep showing up and listen to the ancestral wisdom coming from your body. This ancient wisdom is essential for lasting healing.
- Look to see where Pisces lives in your natal chart to understand the specific area of your body and life that will be impacted by Saturn’s grief and effort.
March Eclipses:
- Starting with a March 13th Lunar eclipse, a rare culmination of planets align in the sign of Pisces. This two week eclipse cycle ends with a solar eclipse and six planets conjunct in Pisces on March 29th. Sun, Moon, Rahu, retrograde Venus, retrograde Mercury, Sun, and Saturn collide in the sign of endings.
- This eclipse portal will magnify the lessons that have occurred during this 18 month transit of Rahu and Ketu. Think of this as a grande finale. A closure that brings essential knowledge, wisdom, spiritual insights, and powerful release.
- Whatever Rahu and Ketu have been teaching you over the past year will become even more important at this time. March is a delicate month and not a time to take risks of any kind.
Jupiter in Gemini: May 14th
- The guru moves to creative and expressive Gemini for an unusual dance that lasts until October 18th. He then hops into his exaltation sign of Cancer for two months until retrograding back into Gemini for another six months. Jupiter won’t officially arrive in Cancer until June 1st of 2026.
- The sign of Gemini is about creating something new. 1+1 = 3. In the expressive arts world this is called the “the arrival of the third”. You, plus the art, create something entirely new.
- There is vast potential in the coming year for creating an entirely new reality. If you have the courage, the commitment, and the creativity, the wisdom of Jupiter will support your creative action.
- Third house wisdom and your shoulders, arms, and hands become the focus during this cycle. Pay attention to where natal Gemini lives in your chart, as this is the area of body and life that will be activated.
Rahu in Aquarius and Ketu in Leo: May 18th Mean Node Calculations
- When the nodes shift, everything shifts. The shadow nodes are your attraction/repulsion dynamic. They indicate where the shadow impacts your intellect, or intelligence.
- This means when the shadows shift, so does your shadow work. Your lessons, challenges, doubts, confusion, and self trust issues move to the Aquarius/Leo axis for the next 18 months.
- Rahu likes being in Aquarius and brings innovation, entrepreneurialism, unusual solutions and desires. Losses can be opportunities for creating gains if you know how to work with this properly.
- Ketu in Leo will break up ego, shift power dynamics, and release attachment to the masculine identity.
- This is an important cycle for restructuring your relationship with father, father’s lineage, masculine power, and how you use your energy. A very different way forward is emerging.
- Shins and calves will ask for more attention as will your solar plexus. Upper gut will require specific support as will digestion.
- Pay attention to placements of natal Aquarius and Leo to understand how this transit will impact your body and life.
Kala Sarpa Yoga: April to July 2025
- A Kala Sarpa Yoga occurs when all planets are hemmed in by the shadow nodes Rahu and Ketu. On April 20th, a rare Kala Sarpa Yoga occurs until July 22nd when Mars breaks the chain.
- I am not including Moon in this dynamic, however, Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Sun, Mercury and Mars will be hemmed in by Rahu and Ketu for four months. Moon will weave in and out of this dynamic opening and closing a complete Kala Sarpa effect.
- Kala Sarpa Yogas create big waves and massive change- either through challenges or resources. The energetic waves are strong and will all come from one side of your chart.
- This Kala Sarpa Yoga will impact all signs from Aquarius to Leo. All planets will be stacked in between Rahu and Ketu starting from Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, and into Leo.
- To understand how this four month Kala Sarpa Yoga will impact your body and life, you will need to look at these houses and signs in your natal chart.
Solutions and ways to be proactive:
- Have a strong team of support in place including healers, therapists, body workers, friends, and community.
- Make your self care, dinacharaya, and the rules of Saturn a priority. Body must come first!
- Study your Jyotish chart in an embodied way so it becomes a tool for insights, intuition, self care and self trust.
- Do your shadow work, grief work, and ancestral work. This is ongoing no matter what the transits are doing.
- Prioritize your nourishment, self care, and joy so you are well resourced no matter what challenges arrive.
Your body has all the answers you seek.
Your Jyotish chart is a map of your entire body, as well as your ancestral body.
If you’re seeking a therapeutic approach to Vedic astrology, my embodied Jyotish classes will support your inner clarity and self trust.
- Classes coincide with waxing and waning Moon cycles to give you maximum monthly support.
- One private Jyotish session included for personalized guidance.
- Two classes per month makes it easy to stay connected to your body and class resources.
- Sync with the transits and awaken your own body wisdom using your Jyotish chart as a self care tool.
- Awaken your creativity through body-centered expressive art therapy practices.
- Deepen your intuitive listening skills so you can increase nourishment, joy, and abundance in body and life.
Classes start January 3rd.
Book a Clarity Session to get registration details.
Last chance to join this round of classes is January 1st.