Saraswati Dharma Coaching

September Sidereal Moon Wisdom + Transits

*Artist Unknown

September begins with Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Gemini, Moon in its own sign of Cancer conjunct sandhi Mercury, Sun mulitrikona in Leo, debilitated Venus conjunct Ketu in Virgo, Saturn in his own sign of Aquarius, and Rahu in Pisces.

September Transits:

Mercury back to Leo on the 4th

Debilitated Venus and Ketu in exact conjunction on the 4th

Ganesha Chaturthi on the 6th

Sun in Virgo on the 16th

Lunar Eclipse on the 17th

Pitru Paksha Begins on the 17th

Venus in own sign of Libra on the 18th

Mercury exalted in Virgo on the 23rd

Solar eclipse on October 2nd

Pitru Paksha Ends on October 2nd

Maha Navaratri Begins on October 3rd

New Moon in Leo and Purvphalguni nakshatra on September 2nd at 19:55 MT

September opens with a dark Moon in Leo. Venus is still debilitated, conjunct Ketu, causing extreme sensitivity for gut health, pets, women, beauty, relationships and wealth. With Mercury at the edge of Cancer heading back into Leo, the mental body continues its sensitivity as well. All things mind, nervous system, commerce, creativity and business need your attention. Keep calm and carry on.

Saturn continues to be retrograde in Aquarius, causing deep level clean up, re-organization, and restructuring. Leave no stone unturned. Honor his ways and Nature will support you. Neglect his wisdom and you’ll feel the painful effects.

This month begins the final eclipse cycle of the year. Eclipses come in pairs typically and start to cause issues weeks in advance. The entire month of September has a sensitive quality about it. Shadow work requires your vigilance and awareness. With Rahu and Ketu in Pisces and Virgo, these signs activate karmas with losses and clean up. Rahu continues through UttaraBhadra Nakshatra for another month creating a desire to dive deeply into your unconscious and subconscious terrain. Ketu is still navigating Hasta nakshatra bringing new insights, awakening, and spiritual wisdom to the forefront. This cycle is ripe with powerful new awareness and spiritual upgrades- if you are open to receiving the wisdom of the cosmos.

Sun and Moon both transit Purvaphalguni nakshatra in Sidereal Leo at the time of the new Moon. Leo is ruled by the Sun and notorious for bold expression. With Sun in its own sign right now, you may be feeling a surge in power, determination and strength. Put your focus into action, awaken goals and ask for what you need.

The New Moon in Leo and Purvaphalguni invites increased creativity and sensuality to the cycle ahead. There is strong desire for co-creation and attention to relationships surfacing. Clear away emotional debris and make space for gains and advancements. As you clarify goals and intentions, make sure you are also being diligent with the action steps necessary to accomplish them. Watch for overdoing, pushing and forcing as well as imbalance with action and rest. Allow for leisure, increased pleasure, nourishment and ease, but be mindful of overindulgence. Cravings are rooted in the shadow. While Venus is still debilitated don’t let addictions re-surface and be mindful of how much sugar, carbs, alcohol or intoxicants you ingest.

What darkness is not being attended to with honesty and courage? Where can you let go and find more surrender? Where are you pushing and forcing, creating imbalance?

Purvaphalguni nakshatra is ruled by Bhaga, the god of pleasure, comforts and commodities. He gives excess, abundance and juiciness. Sensuality and sexuality come naturally as a result of his gifts and influence. Manifestation is enlivened with his life force energy. This constellation is like the nectar that bees flock to, expressing a spring-like quality with plenty of blossoming and fruiting. The sap is flowing, the bees are buzzing and the flowers are blooming! Can you feel this harvest? Beauty comes alive within this portion of the sky and potential is dawning. Relationships are energized and strengthened with the influences of this constellation. Plant your seeds of desire, expand your dreams and focus on the bigger picture.

Maybe it’s time to ask for what you really want and need? Where are you receiving less than what you deserve? What is keeping you from rising and growing? Where are you resisting your power and greater purpose?

This cycle reminds you: don’t settle for less than the best. Ask Nature to support your clarity and vision. Think bigger and be clear about your desires. Get focused and expand your reach. Use creative resources to awaken your life force energy. Make art! Dance and sing! Celebrate yourself! Meet new people, start new relationships, enliven the ones you already have. Allow more sensuality and sexuality into your life and let your life force energy flow more fully. Spend time receiving and remember your gratitude. Where do you feel abundant already? Where do you need more? Remember that getting the support you need and being able to receive, will strengthen your results. We don’t succeed alone! Gather who and what you need for growth and nourishment.

Full Moon in Pisces and PurvaBhadra Nakshatra on September 17th at 20:34 + Partial Lunar Eclipse

Mid month a full Moon arrives with a partial Lunar eclipse. Venus is at the edge of Virgo still debilitated and poised to shift into Libra. This intensifies the painful debilitation and extreme sensitivity of Venus. The worst is almost over! Once the planet of Shakti shifts to its own sign of Libra on the 18th, there is relief for body and beauty. Sun has newly arrived in Virgo, making finances, digestion, and business your focus for the coming month. Time to get organized! Be solution oriented, gather new resources, and be diligent with your action steps so you can get positive results in the weeks ahead.

Just after Sun shifts into Virgo on September 16th, the full Moon in Pisces occurs with a partial lunar eclipse. At the time of the full Moon (Purnima), the Moon has barely entered Pisces, propping open the door between Aquarius and Pisces. This sandhi Moon is in very fragile and vulnerable territory, yet extremely spiritual as well.

The partial lunar eclipse on the 17th will be visible in Europe, Much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. The eclipse begins on the 17th at 18:41 MT. The maximum eclipse will be at 20:44 MT and will end at 22:47 MT.

A reminder that this begins a two week cycle which is not good for starting new projects. The eclipse portal will close on October 2nd with a solar eclipse and the beginning of Maha Navaratri. Emotions tend to intensify during eclipses and shadows are much stronger. You may feel less clear and focused- so don’t make sudden decisions. Challenges often intensify so we can see them more clearly and make the necessary changes that will support new growth. This can be a time of immense inner transformation if used properly. Lunar eclipses activate emotions, feelings, and the divine feminine.

From a Vedic perspective, it is not advised to be outside during an eclipse or to look directly at the eclipse taking place. Wear a head covering if you have to be outside so you don’t absorb the shadow. Ideally, this is a time for spiritual practices such as meditation, chanting and fasting. Set intentions and honor the sensitivity of this time. It is also widely recognized that during and between eclipses, starting new endeavors will not bring positive results. No new projects, relationships or activities should start in the eclipse portal- unless they are supportive for your spiritual progress. Notice what needs are arriving, then take action after the eclipse portal closes. Best to lay low, attend to spiritual pursuits, get extra rest and work with your inner shadow very consciously during this cycle.

Use the two week Eclipse cycle for spiritual practices, rest, retreat and your dharmic path. Set intentions for the coming weeks and honor your self care. Listen to your emotional body wisdom and confront your inner shadows. Make necessary changes in your actions and choices. Release negative thought patterns, behaviors and inner dialogue that is keeping you stuck in patterns and cycles of lack and adharma. Clear, release and let go so that you have even more space for your deepest nourishment.

Full Moon in Pisces and PurvaBhadrapada nakshatra amplifies themes of release and letting go during the coming waning cycle. Pisces correlates to the 12th house of the zodiac, the final bhava (house) of the Jyotish chart, connected to endings, release, transformation and retreats. It is the house of the ancestors, feet, marriage (a transformational process) and finality. The 12th house is connected to the ancestors because it is a house of death, endings and release as well as the spirit world.

PurvaBhadra is a constellation of integration, balance and harmonizing polarities. The ruling deity is Ajaikapada, a form of Shiva, Lord of the Dance. There is skillfulness with making money and doing challenging work. It is said that this constellation can cure the impossible. The symbol of this lunar constellation is a funeral cot, which speaks to themes of transformation, death and purification- all that is beyond the material plane of existence. Bhadra means auspicious in Sanskrit, while pada is foot. There is an ability to walk in two worlds- material and spiritual- through this constellation.

These themes activate in the coming waning cycle. As the Moon turns your focus inward, spirit will support your inner awareness more fully. This cycle will also support healing and transformation through the emotional body landscape- for those who are willing to lean in closer to their grief, sadness and loss. Let the light enter your heart. Eclipse cycles are notorious for bringing shadow to the light. Let yourself be cracked open.

In the coming days, it may feel like you have a foot in two world at times, but this is an essential part of your integration process. Connect with your different needs and honor your two halves. Work closely with balancing masculine and feminine energies as well as inner and outer realms. Use the new cycle to move closer to your polarities, not away from them. As you lean in closer, you can begin to heal and integrate opposing energies within. This is an important part of the healing wisdom of the eclipse portal.

Pitru Paksha begins with this full Moon on the 17th. This is a powerful 15 lunar day cycle that honors the ancestors particularly with blessings of food at your ancestor altar. Nourishing the ancestors, and your lineage, is of the utmost importance in this cycle. Your ancestors gift you with your dharmic duty and thanking them for their guidance and blessings at this time is extremely potent.

Is it time to take your Jyotish studies to the next level? 

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