This message is not for everyone.
For healers who are ready to face their shadow directly, this moment is for you.
Collectively, we are embarking on an unknown journey together.
Truth is impossible to find and darkness is gripping tightly. Cycles like this are ripe with healing potential. They are designed for you to awaken your power, self trust, and inner wisdom. To look within for answers and clarity, rather than give your power away to a savior outside of yourself.
This is the path of becoming a healer. You must be in right-relationship with your own power and purpose.
In these dark times where fear is increasing, your job is needed more than ever. Your gifts and wisdom are the solution. This is a call to action for your dharmic duty. Most will not hear this calling. Most will let fear and illusion overtake them. Spiritual warfare is very real.
For those that can hear this message, please listen carefully.
We need you now more than ever. Your ancestors brought you here for this moment. Do not back down. Do not let the fear win. Do not let your self doubt and confusion overtake you. This will not be easy. You will need trustworthy guidance and support. You will need community and connection. You must resource yourself and your body in order to keep moving forward.
It will be challenging. There will be moments that make you want to give up. You may have cycles of forgetting your own power and strength. Move forward anyway. Keep going and don’t stop. Rest when you need to rest. Cry when you need to cry. But keep moving.
In Kali Yuga, dharma is impossible to find and very confusing. What is right is wrong. What is wrong is right. Nothing makes sense. The illusion is strong. Your inner wisdom and clarity are essential to be able to see through the illusion.
This is why I rely on Vedic Astrology. When used properly, it shines light on the darkness. It brings light to the soul. It awakens your own inner light so that you can see clearly. It is a map that points the way- for true dharma.
When you have the proper tools, you won’t get lost.
In the cycle ahead, the transits are shifting fast, the darkness of eclipse season intensifies, and getting stuck in doubt and fear is inevitable.
This energy is potent. If used correctly, it can fuel deep transformation.
If you are ready to awaken from your shadow and step into alignment with your dharmic purpose, my Dharma Foundations process is for you.
I have three private mentorship spots available for healers committed to fully embodying their power and creating greater prosperity through their sacred gifts.
If you want to claim one of the final spaces, book a chat with me.
Take back your power.
With devotion,